Wolfson College Cambridge

Wolfson College Cambridge. (Wolfson College)
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  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 20, 12:54 PM
    :confused::confused::confused: Apple has NOTHING ! and NOTHING is accessible by everybody (except the owner of the device)

    The data is stored on YOUR phone and YOUR laptop ... Apple does not have a centralized database with that data - it is all on your devices.

    THAT is why it is not a bad thing

    The governments have those big databases, but that's a different story.

    THAT is the bad thing

    1. Does Apple require Verizon and AT&T to share any information with them?
    2. If you leave your phone for service, do the geniuses lift any information from the phone?


    3. If Apple doesn't have a need for the information, if they don't collect it, then why is it stored on the phone? Why is it unencrypted?

    Wolfson College Cambridge. Garden Party @ Wolfson (2) - Cambridge 2009
  • Garden Party @ Wolfson (2) - Cambridge 2009

  • aristotle
    Nov 13, 11:26 PM
    Not quite. There are at least two other options. Fair use, and exhaustion/implied license/first sale doctrine.

    The use is almost certainly fair use, and Apple's rights may very well be exhausted under the first sale doctrine. It's a thorny question of law since there is nothing in the Mac OS license that makes it clear what you can do with those icons. Apple would have been better off putting something in the development agreement about not being able to use representations of Macs, etc. But they didn't.

    So your argument is that since a court of law would find this to be copyright infringement, it's covered by the development agreement.

    My opinion, as an I.P. lawyer, is that it's not at all clear that it's copyright infringement, that most people would think it probably isn't, and that therefore the development agreement does not at all clearly forbid this sort of thing.

    P.S.: You're saying developers just need to read the agreement. I'm saying they need to read the agreement, go to law school, and guess how Apple will interpret the facts.
    Which law firm please. We'd all like to know for future reference, who to not trust our cases with. While most law has to do with the letter of the law, jury trials often are won or lost based on what the jury believes to be the intent or spirit of the law.

    The british common law legal system was never intended to be like this. The lawyers have destroyed and twisted it beyond all recognition. It was originally supposed to be based on judeo-christian morals and ethics. There is not supposed to be a grey area. You are either deliberately infringing on the rights of others or you are not. The original intent was to have a court case as the last resort where parties would first try to solve the problem by talking to each other, then go to arbitration and then court as a last resort.

    Screenshots on other sites show airflow displaying a Firefox icon. That icon is definitely not covered any implied license through use of the API on the mac. Care to explain that to us Mr. Lawyer?

    Wolfson College Cambridge. for Wolfson College and
  • for Wolfson College and

  • zhemgang
    Sep 14, 10:02 AM
    The Apple laptops are a staple machine for Mac using pro photographers so this would be a perfect event to announce an upgrade along with a new version of Aperture. It would look rather odd to have new C2D iMacs and MacPros without an upgraded MBP.

    Wolfson College Cambridge. Cambridge 2000: Wolfson College: Front Court: administration building
  • Cambridge 2000: Wolfson College: Front Court: administration building

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 8, 01:18 PM
    Ok, my prediction:

    New nano will have to have a new name, or more than 4gb in the low end, otherwise it will be available as part of the get a free ipod campaign... i don't think apple will do that. Reminds me of a certain SNL skit.

    or... mb and mbp will be upgraded to C2D... the rebate clearly lists only core duo systems as eligible. then you won't be able to get any free ipods except with a mac pro

    there you have it

    You're correct. As soon as the new iMacs were released, they were immediately excluded from the free iPod offer. If anyone is hoping that MBP's or MB's are updated to C2D before the 16th so they can get the free iPod from that promotion, it won't happen. If you want the free iPod, you'd better order a MB or MBP before/if they update those systems to C2D. It sucks because I was hoping to take advantage of that promotion when/if the updates happened before the 16th.

    Wolfson College Cambridge. Fellow of Wolfson College.
  • Fellow of Wolfson College.

  • localoid
    Apr 22, 05:30 AM
    A lot of people have more than 5GB in their music collection, so for these people the Amazon service doesn't work.

    You need/want more space, you can pay for it. Buy one album now and they'll give you 20 gigs for a year, for free. 20 gigs for your MP3s otherwise is only $20 per year.

    I already have 1000 gigs of storage online at my disposal (two commercial servers). But personally, since I don't have a dog in the Apple vs. Amazon race, I'll take 5 gigs online for free (where ever) without complaint. If Apple offers 5 gigs free, I'd probably go for it too. What the heck -- it's not coming out of my pocket. Besides, competition is a good thing. :)

    Wolfson College Cambridge. Wolfson College: Local
  • Wolfson College: Local

  • gugy
    Aug 31, 09:28 PM
    The fact that it isn't a "format," for starters.

    $10 ~ $15, if that is the price for anything below a 720p encoding of a movie, would be the stupidest thing that Apple has done. (Well, at least in the last 10 years or so.)

    If they do 720p encodes - and that would have to be the minimum, as they really should be 1080p - then they might have something worthwhile. The problem is, this will totally clash with the move to Blu-Ray and HD-DVD, so being realistic, my guess would be 480p encodes. Which, of course, then makes purchasing movies this way versus DVD a really stupid decision (IMHO).

    I'd love to see Apple get this right, but... I'm really not holding my breath.

    Very true, I just can't see Apple doing this. That will kill the Movie store from the start.
    IMHO they might do the rental of movies that was speculate before.

    If they decide to sell it, it has to be cheaper than the current DVD offerings, unless the quality and resolution are higher. If not, I would not even waste my time going there to buy it.

    Wolfson College Cambridge. Studies, Wolfson College
  • Studies, Wolfson College

  • LarryC
    Apr 30, 11:35 PM

    Thank you, for your comments. You make some very valid points. I don't really know much about this whole cloud storage thing. I suppose I really need to read up on that. Is this just another name for something like the commercials I am hearing a lot lately about a company called carbonite? Just an offsite storage method that we pay a yearly fee for? If so, then I could certainly see a real benefit to something like that. I currently have over 132GB of iTunes media. I know it's a lot. I have a huge number of audio books, an even larger Podcast collection and a pretty good amount of music. I will have to look into this cloud storage and see what it offers. Thanks again.

    Wolfson College Cambridge. A drink at Wolfson College - Cambridge 2009 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
  • A drink at Wolfson College - Cambridge 2009 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

  • Brandon Sharitt
    Sep 14, 09:07 AM
    They'll probably update the MacBook Pro with a Core 2 Duo, and finally add FireWire 800, but otherwise little tweaks. I wouldn't be surprised to see a 20" MacBook Pro being shown off as a mobile photo editing studio.

    Wolfson College Cambridge. Wolfson College
  • Wolfson College

  • duncan989
    Sep 26, 12:07 PM
    Why Cingular?
    They do not alow you to unlock their phones - even after their contract has expired. They think there is usa and nothing else. If you travel - you are screwed - roam on our network (or go to hell)! They are useless for anyone who travels beyond canada or hawaii(ok - thats only 15% of americans)

    T-mobile are far and away the best carrier in the US. They dont have the most up to date phones - but they let you un lock after 90 days - and if you speak nicely to them ,(I told em I was going on business trip to Brazil) they do it earlier.

    I asked a cingular rep if they had the unlock code for my cell. She said "No, but we have Blue-TEETH" I kid you not. They are as bad as At&T. They are only interested in screwing the customer!

    If Apple go CIngular - I wont buy one - if they open it up to tmobile, I will.

    Wolfson College Cambridge. wolfson college cambridge,
  • wolfson college cambridge,

  • XArt@justinks.c
    Sep 13, 09:01 AM
    Apart from the word serach not being on 5GiPod, only the new 5GiPod has it (but seem that this is incorect, proberly some hidden option to enable).
    It dose 640x480 h.264 when updated to 1.2 but still need to find out if it dose games as well as the new improved video size.

    has the new iPods been givev improved ARM7 or upgraded to ARM9 for games or is it the same and just needs 1.2 for games as well as 640x480 video

    Wolfson College Cambridge. Trinity College: Whewell#39;s
  • Trinity College: Whewell#39;s

  • levitynyc
    Sep 9, 11:20 AM
    No one who needs powerful graphics could go for anything except maybe the 24". The x1600 is pretty low-end for a mid-range desktop by now, and the nvidea 7600 is not bad but certainly not a powerhouse. And why would you say that the imacs are more "impressive, solid, and reliable" than the mac pros? Better values, maybe, but more impressive, solid, and reliable? :confused:


    Do you realize the Dell XPS 700 is capable of running 2 Nvidea GeForce - 1GB 7950 GX2 Quad SLI card for a total of 2 GB of Video

    The fact that the new 24" Imac is only capable of handling a 256MB Video card is an embarassment as far as I am concered.

    Wolfson College Cambridge. party at Wolfson College
  • party at Wolfson College

  • w00master
    Nov 13, 01:56 PM
    99% of these are in a huff self important 'tempest in a teapot' stories;
    its not required-nay not even helpful to be a fanboy to point this out-just 2 good eyes and a brain;
    Alway been complainers, always will be;
    If the rules are clearly spelled out and they dont follow them-then they shouldnt be crybabies in public
    CAREFULLY read APPLEs developers rules
    follow them
    dont try to breach them

    you dont need a PhD to understand this

    So, did you even READ what Rogue Amoeba had to say?

    I'm seriously amazed with you apologists. You guys are defending Apple in an instance where they are CLEARLY in the wrong.


    Wolfson College Cambridge. Wolfson College
  • Wolfson College

  • Dagless
    Apr 30, 06:13 PM
    Sooo looking forward to this! I'll probably get one from the Apple Store the following day maybe. Highest stock model for me! Well, unless the price jumps up from the current one. Oh and a bad GPU will make me buy a new PC that day. So come on good GPU!

    Wolfson College Cambridge. College: Wolfson College
  • College: Wolfson College

  • acslater017
    Mar 29, 01:38 PM
    I think they need to learn how to do math. How can you have an 18.8% cumulative annual growth rate when your market share goes down from 15.7% to 15.3%?

    Because the market as a whole is growing faster than Apple's own growth rate. The rate of Native American population growth could be 50% growth annually, but their share of the overall American population could still be stagnant or shrinking.

    Wolfson College Cambridge. 302 Wolfson College (Cambridge) Boat Club | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
  • 302 Wolfson College (Cambridge) Boat Club | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

  • macnulty
    Aug 24, 07:51 PM
    Huge win for Apple, hands down.

    $100m is not chump change but for a company with Apple's size it comes close.

    On top of that Apple gets to recoup at least some of that if Creative decides to license the technology in question.

    On top of that Creative is entering the "made for iPod" market, which only adds to the iPod allure.

    On top of that iPod interface doesn't change.

    Wolfson College Cambridge. Wolfson College: Local
  • Wolfson College: Local

  • Rocketman
    Mar 22, 01:21 PM
    I want to know where to get a list of products that hook onto Thunderbolt.


    Wolfson College Cambridge. St. John#39;s College, Cambridge
  • St. John#39;s College, Cambridge

  • Menge
    Mar 30, 11:28 AM
    Disclaimer: Apple fanboy here. But agree with Microsoft.

    App Store is simply the description of the actual thing: An app store. It's just too simple.

    Windows on the other hand is a name that wouldn't be used to describe an operating system. Windows, much like Pages, Keynote and Numbers, is a noun used creatively to create a trademark. App Store is a close second but, IMO, fails due to being the actual description of the object.

    If Microsoft had called Windows simply "Operating System" and copyrighted that, THEN it'd be the same thing :P

    Wolfson College Cambridge. held at Wolfson College,
  • held at Wolfson College,

  • Warbrain
    Apr 20, 12:37 PM
    Apple, Google, or my phone provider storing this information in their servers is a different issue than it being stored on the phone.

    Yes, because it's out of your possession and likely easily accessible by those who want it. The data on your phone, however, is in your possession.

    Wolfson College Cambridge. Wolfson College
  • Wolfson College

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 25, 01:11 AM
    EDIT: @ Rodimus - Had she hit me when I slammed on the brakes, she would have been at fault. All I have to do is tell the cop that I thought I saw an animal run across the road. She is supposed to keep enough distance to be able to stop if I slam on the brakes. Doesn't matter than I cut her off, she has to prove that I did, and she also has to prove that I slammed on the breaks with malice.

    umm good luck with that. My father has a ticket to prove other wise. He made the mistake and cut off a guy who was speeding by mistake. Cop handed him a ticket for illegal lane changed and the other guy a ticket for doing 20 over the limit.
    It was declared a no fault and both were on their own. Both cars totaled.

    You cut her off therefor made an unsafe lane changed. Legally you should of given her enough room to be able to adjust for you. Add to the fact you are 16 and chances are would be a witness or 2 saying you were speeding. Your word vs hers and your word is pretty worthless.
    And if you did if they can prove malice or road rage you just increased your charges and heck could be nailed for insurance fraud as well.

    You are proving to us all that you should not have a DL. You just are increasing the case that you should not be behind a wheel of a car.

    On and do not use the argument that the car can do 186 mph. Sorry that is for another country. Top it off I am pretty sure my car can out handle your car.

    I've seen people like the OP get pulled up and receive whopping great tickets from the cops. To say the least they look terrified about what their mum will say when she finds out. It makes me laugh.

    Funny story. One time when I was driving back to TTU some idiot in a purple VW blew past me like I was standing still a little north of Houston. At the time I was doing 5-10 over the limit (75-80 mph). Scared the crap out me as they wiped right around me.
    about 30-45 mins later I see the same purple VW pulled over and the driver was in hand cuffs. It was priceless.

    Sep 13, 09:49 PM
    So the search feature is related to dialing? Man, this is only throwing fuel into an uniterrested group of people worn from constant rumorings of whimsical phones.

    Apr 4, 12:38 PM
    Good on the cop. Criminals are scum. Got what he deserved.

    Sep 15, 07:07 PM
    Two Choices: Good design Apple Style with decent Camera and Music Quality
    about $399
    Or, Smart phone like with the feature above.(it means iLife , iChat for live video chat), they only need a good cpu,gpu and wifi for these.
    about $599

    $599...I would expect at least 8GB, likely 16GB or a HDD (ala Nokia) to make that worth that price point for me ($1000 AUD roughly). Also video playback.

    Apr 19, 07:49 AM
    But that's the thing, this simply can't be about "look and feel" since the precedents on that are firmly established by Apple vs Microsoft where Apple lost the whole "look and feel" part of the suit.

    You are quite badly informed. Just because a court case about "look and feel" was lost doesn't mean nobody else can win such a case. Apple lost that one because someone at Apple messed up some contracts between Apple and Microsoft. Unless the facts in two cases are identical you have no precedent.

    (If I sued you for damaging my car with a hammer, and you proved in court that you were nowhere near my car when it was damaged, that wouldn't set a precedent that it is now allowed to damage someone else's car with a hammer).

    Anyone who is stupid enough to confuse a Galaxy S with an iPhone shouldn't own a smartphone anyway. All they have to do is turn over the freaking phone and notice that big Samsung logo to know it's not an Apple product.

    Many people want to buy a phone that looks like an iPhone, but are willing to buy a Samsung phone as long as it looks the same. Yes, that is a stupid reason to buy a phone, but some people are like that. Apple thinks that all those people should have to buy the real thing.

    And some people base their decision on how nice a phone looks, and they think the iPhone looks nice, and since the Samsung phone looks the same, they think that one looks nice as well. These people might buy a Samsung phone because Apple put lots of effort into designing a nice looking phone, and Samsung just copied it. In Germany, that would fall straight under "unfair competition" and would be blocked for that reason; if one company spends lots of money developing a product and another company just copies it, that is "unfair competition".

    crap freakboy
    Jul 14, 11:28 AM
    Remember that the pulse width is the reciprocal of frequency. At 4 GHz, the pulse width is 250 picoseconds. Light travels 0.000075 km in 250 picoseconds. There are 1 million mm in a km, hence light travels about 75mm in that time.

    The size of the Core 2 chip is 143 square mm, or about 12mm x 12mm and getting smaller with each new process generation. At 4GHz, a single pulse can go back and forth across the chip at least 6 times.

    In practice, propagation delays of this type are analyzed by CAD tools and the chip's physical layout is designed to minimize the signal path.

    that was just noise.

    Either way I'll wait until the imac gets a desktop chip rather than a Laptop one.

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