colt 44 magnum revolver

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  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 25, 01:54 PM
    why isn't there an opt-in (apart from the general 'eat **** or die' TOU) or at least an opt-out for this?
    It's opt-in. When you first use an app that requests to use location data iOS asks you if that okay and you can deny it. You can also opt out by turning location services off..

    why is it so easy to access the data?
    Put a pin/password on you phone and encrypt your iTunes backup (it's a simple checkbox in iTunes preferences). You're secure.

    I can't possibly see how the plaintiffs can win this one.

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  • 44 magnum revolver bullets.

  • Silentwave
    Aug 5, 07:40 PM
    I think the Merom will be introduced:
    Thus a MacBook Pro wil probably be announced, and made available right away, or otherwise very soon.

    The Conroe and Woodcrest will probably take longer.
    So, the Mac Pro and Xserve Pro (uuuuggghhh!!!... must. remain. Xserve) will be announced, but shipping in about 6 weeks.
    why do you think so? Conroe chips showed up online a few weeks ago, and woodcrest has been shipping to manufacturers for some time now. Merom hasn't, Conroe is ahead of Merom in terms of shipping IIRC.

    colt 44 magnum revolver. custom 44 magnum revolver.
  • custom 44 magnum revolver.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 28, 02:57 PM what you said about doubting and not believing is not true.

    I was making a general point. Skunk is asking about a specific one. If I deny that I believe some proposition, that may because I haven't formed any opinion about whether it's true. If I haven't formed any opinion about whether that proposition is true, I neither believe that proposition, doubt it, nor believe that it's false. I've suspended judgment about it. You ask me whether I like lobster. I say "no" because I haven't tried it. Since I haven't tried it, I have no idea whether I'll like it. I'll tell you, "Let's wait and see whether I'll like it." Skunk told me that he didn't hate me. I'm glad he doesn't hate me, but I don't know whether he likes me. If he dislikes me, that's all right. But if he says that he doesn't hate me, that doesn't imply that he likes me.

    No, folks, I haven't been talking in circles.

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  • 29 44 Magnum Revolvers

  • citizenzen
    Mar 22, 01:18 PM
    Bush was attacked endlessly about conducting a war for oil, and that it was really the U.S. alone, because his coalition was small/weak.

    One difference here is that there was a U.N. resolution backing this use of force. So while the coalition of forces might be small, you'd have to in some sense include all the nations who voted for the resolution as backing this effort.

    I wonder what the list would look like then?

    Brazil, China, Germany, India, Russian Federation abstained from voting. However, if my memory serves, either China and Russia could have vetoed the measure with a no vote, yet did not. Which is a tacit form of approval.

    Bosnia, Colombia, Gabon, Germany, India, Lebanon, Nigeria, Portugal and South Africa all cast yes votes along with France the U.K. and the U.S. This for all intents and purposes increases the number of nations in your coalition to include these countries as well.

    But personally, I don't support this intervention. Protecting people against genocide is one thing. But intervening in a civil war is another. As a general rule I believe that it's best for a country to work these issues out themselves ... provided once again, that issues of genocide don't arise.

    colt 44 magnum revolver. custom 44 magnum revolver.
  • custom 44 magnum revolver.

  • HelloKitty
    Jul 20, 08:52 PM
    Well..I wonder if Apple indeed comes up with the Mac Pro update using even the top-of-the-line Xeon, who's gonna buy one knowing that a quad-core processor is coming up in the near future? I mean, I would hold off buying a Woodcrest machine if there's a quad-core is coming up next year..

    I know people will always say that "if you need one, buy one. Don't wait for new machines." But hey, it's a 2 grand machine!

    Perhaps we won't be seeing a Woodcrest Mac Pro at this year's WWDC at all. Perhaps we'll be seeing a quad-core Mac Pro proto-type that will be available in Novemeber or something like that:D !

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  • 44 magnum revolver. a .44

  • azzurri000
    Sep 19, 12:28 AM
    I think when the update reveals itself to be.... just a mere processor swop the moans to the high heavens would be deafening!

    Any likelihood that we will see a new case design at MWSF perchance? :rolleyes:

    Haha, sounds like other people's disappointment amuses you. Feeding the fires of anticipation there... I can play along.

    Any likelihood that we will see a laptop (NOT notebook) that can actually be used in one's lap without suffering from burns?!

    colt 44 magnum revolver. 44 magnum revolver for sale.
  • 44 magnum revolver for sale.

  • ro2nie
    Aug 27, 08:43 PM
    I think im gonna wait and buy in 2007 with leopard and iLife 07 :rolleyes:

    colt 44 magnum revolver. 44 magnum revolver. .44 Magnum
  • 44 magnum revolver. .44 Magnum

  • jmgregory1
    Mar 22, 03:42 PM
    Everyone is trying to get a piece of what Apple created - and not suffer the same fate that all those that tried to compete with the iPod faced.

    Without figuring out how to differentiate from what Apple is doing AND show the consumer how they can really USE the tablet, none of these players will do much more than get a small, very small, piece of the [Apple] pie.

    Those people that want the iPad to do what a computer does or what a smartphone does, are not looking at the iPad the way it was intended - as something new and different. Why should it have to do what a laptop does or how a computer or phone does it?

    I'm guessing that what Apple is really working on is a way to tie together all devices that isn't just a wired interface (think their data center).

    colt 44 magnum revolver. custom 44 magnum revolver.
  • custom 44 magnum revolver.

  • Notaclone
    Apr 27, 09:35 AM
    Am I the only person disappointed to find my iPhone is NOT tracking me? I download the App David Pogue posted on NYT and it didn't work. My iPhone's too old! I wish the damn thing would just die already, but since every Mac I've bought since 1989* still works, what are the odds? Someone steal my iPhone, PLEASE!
    *1985's Mac had a coca-cola spilled in it. That can destroy anything.

    colt 44 magnum revolver. 44 magnum revolver with scope.
  • 44 magnum revolver with scope.

  • cgc
    Jul 15, 11:05 AM
    :o well, that looks a real mess.. but I suppose it's a good idea since heated air tends to rise.. :-)
    I think placing the PSU at the bottom of the case is good...heavy items near the top of the case may lead to Macs being prone to tipping over. Heat can be vented easy enough...

    colt 44 magnum revolver. the .45 Colt, .44 Magnum,
  • the .45 Colt, .44 Magnum,

  • Trekkie
    Sep 13, 01:08 PM
    does anyone know how much the clovertown chips are going to be?

    if it follows typical intel transitions price point replace. So the same price as woodcrests. They might introduce faster ones though that cost more. We'll see before the end of the year.

    Would it be smart to wait for these 8 core mac pros or are they still a long ways away?

    Quad core is supposed to be out before EOY 2006.

    Will Apple release it before then is the question...

    colt 44 magnum revolver. 44 magnum revolver for sale.
  • 44 magnum revolver for sale.

  • guet
    Aug 12, 06:28 AM
    I've never paid for a phone up til now (as is the case with most UK residents I'd assume) so it would be an impressive feat if Apple can persuade people in this type of marketplace to actually put their hands in their pockets for a phone.

    I'd pay a couple of hundred pounds for an iPod, so I'd definitely pay that for an iPod which happened to be a phone, pda, gps combo. Millions of iPod/pda users are the market for this kind of device, so it's not the entire phone market, but a good slice of it.

    colt 44 magnum revolver. custom 44 magnum revolver.
  • custom 44 magnum revolver.

  • wpotere
    Apr 28, 06:45 AM
    Wow, this thread and the ridiculous nature of this issue are hilarious. Seriously, you wonder why the US is going down the pan when the entire nation seems to get caught up in a fight over a bloody birth certificate?

    Amusing isn't it?

    colt 44 magnum revolver. 44 magnum pistol revolver.
  • 44 magnum pistol revolver.

  • NoSmokingBandit
    Dec 2, 04:30 PM
    I love that i won a mini in the mini-only race. I'll never touch either of my minis again.

    colt 44 magnum revolver. 44 magnum revolver
  • 44 magnum revolver

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 28, 02:57 PM what you said about doubting and not believing is not true.

    I was making a general point. Skunk is asking about a specific one. If I deny that I believe some proposition, that may because I haven't formed any opinion about whether it's true. If I haven't formed any opinion about whether that proposition is true, I neither believe that proposition, doubt it, nor believe that it's false. I've suspended judgment about it. You ask me whether I like lobster. I say "no" because I haven't tried it. Since I haven't tried it, I have no idea whether I'll like it. I'll tell you, "Let's wait and see whether I'll like it." Skunk told me that he didn't hate me. I'm glad he doesn't hate me, but I don't know whether he likes me. If he dislikes me, that's all right. But if he says that he doesn't hate me, that doesn't imply that he likes me.

    No, folks, I haven't been talking in circles.

    colt 44 magnum revolver. .44 Magnum revolvers that
  • .44 Magnum revolvers that

  • Marx55
    Aug 27, 04:10 AM
    This is what we NEED:

    1. Computer with no fan. Quiet. Silent. CRITICAL.

    2. Modular computer to add a gorgeous Apple Cinema Display.

    3. At lesat two FireWire 800 ports.

    Then all the rest (power, etc).

    colt 44 magnum revolver. taurus 44 magnum revolver.
  • taurus 44 magnum revolver.

  • wpotere
    Apr 27, 12:31 PM
    I suspected it was a copy, I've never trusted the president, and I probably never will.

    Wow... You tap dance worse than Trump does. Just say it, you NEVER liked Obama and never wanted him as president. So your comments earlier were nothing but a lie.

    colt 44 magnum revolver. 44 magnum revolver for sale.
  • 44 magnum revolver for sale.

  • cmaier
    Apr 20, 12:10 PM
    Then it sure doesn't apply to all models then if the trade dress claim is an AND'd combination. If the trade dress claim only applicable to certain models in the ones listed in the complaint ?

    The trade dress claims do not list specific models.

    Specific models ARE shown for illustration purposes in the background portion of the document, however.

    colt 44 magnum revolver. 44 magnum revolver for sale.
  • 44 magnum revolver for sale.

  • WiiDSmoker
    Apr 6, 01:22 PM
    I hope that number keeps rising; we need competition to not let Apple rest on it's laurels.

    Aug 11, 03:59 PM
    Well, I had been screwed about 4x as much as a typical cell user... at least when I had the misfortune and poor sense to have a Cingular contract.

    I think there are several people who have felt "screwed" by their wireless company, regardless of which company they chose to sign with. I have used Cingular from day one of my cell usage, and I have nothing but good things to say about their service. Of course, you're 4x more likely to get screwed, I guess. ;)

    Mar 26, 12:07 AM
    i wonder if apple will release a version in the app store???They should.

    Apr 25, 04:41 PM

    Sep 19, 12:48 AM
    Is that irony?

    I'm also a student, and I don't think I could wait any longer than a month for these long-overdue MacBook Pros to ship... so a possible late November arrival is worrying to say the least.

    I'll tell you what irony is...spending all your time making commercials that tout your products cutting edge over the lame PC's while steadily showing how truly behind you really are.

    Try concentrating on the products instead of the gimmicks...

    As for me, they have 2 more weeks of my patience before I revert back to my PC days. I'm tired of getting made fun of by my PC Geek friends while I play on my outdated G4 PB.

    I'm beginning to believe my friends when they say that Apple pats their own backs for crap that PC makers created a year ago.

    Apr 12, 09:27 AM
    The SuperMeet stage show aka FCP (or if **** hits the fan then iMovie Pro) preview begins at 7 pm.

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