josh hartnett scarlett

josh hartnett scarlett. Josh Hartnett and Scarlett
  • Josh Hartnett and Scarlett

  • kntgsp
    Sep 2, 07:15 PM
    Wow, thought this thread was deleted already.

    Anyway, yea hard to ship something when UPS store is closed for labor day weekend haha. I was at a wedding in Salt Lake until Friday, I made that clear to those interested in buying it. It's being shipped two day air on Tuesday everyone, so stop wigging out, I've sold many things on here and never cheated anyone. And thank you w8ing.


    josh hartnett scarlett. Josh Hartnett amp; Scarlett
  • Josh Hartnett amp; Scarlett

  • UltraZ33
    Apr 10, 08:28 PM
    not to sound like a jerk......but Search is your friend........there's many threads about people needing cases or what type of case is good for them.

    josh hartnett scarlett. scarlett johansson and josh
  • scarlett johansson and josh

  • mad jew
    Nov 25, 04:18 PM
    Has anything happened for this yet?

    After reading threads like this (, I think we should maybe start a guide about equivalent apps, Windows to Mac.

    I don't know nearly enough about Wiki to start and don't have quite enough time to learn today. :o

    josh hartnett scarlett. JOSH HARTNETT photo | Josh
  • JOSH HARTNETT photo | Josh

  • infidel69
    Apr 18, 12:25 PM
    Smartphones will never completly replace cameras. I know it's hard for some people to accept that not everyone owns a smartphone.


    josh hartnett scarlett. Josh Hartnett is being painted
  • Josh Hartnett is being painted

  • GGJstudios
    May 6, 01:16 PM
    I honestly don't remember what website this popped up on, but Safari started downloading this MacSecurity.mpkg and it ran instantly and bypassed inputting my password? I couldn't really stop it
    What exactly did it do, that you couldn't stop? I understand it launched, but you would have had to respond to it for it to complete the installation.

    Also, this isn't a virus. There has never been a virus in the wild that affects Mac OS X since it was released 10 years ago. The handful of trojans that exist can be easily avoided with some education and common sense and care in what software you install:
    Mac Virus/Malware Info (

    josh hartnett scarlett. josh_hartnett
  • josh_hartnett

  • simsaladimbamba
    Feb 4, 01:06 PM
    1) Yes.
    2) No, but know, that the TM backup is not an image like CarbonCopyCloner ( or SuperDuper ( are capable of doing.

    But the OS version on the MBP and the backup should be at least the version the Mac mini comes with, which should be 10.6.6.

    Also take a look at rsync or ChronoSync if you want to use both Macs and want to have the data in sync.


    josh hartnett scarlett. Cast: Josh Hartnett, Scarlett
  • Cast: Josh Hartnett, Scarlett

  • Dagless
    Mar 31, 04:52 PM
    Pearl for me :) I've always had the red Pokemon games. Caroline gets the blue 'uns. already got our imports ready and sorted and I can't friggin wait.

    josh hartnett scarlett. Josh Hartnett
  • Josh Hartnett

  • GGJstudios
    May 4, 12:25 AM
    any idea if i can use the apple logo, or can copy stuff off their site? their diagrams? its all academic, and will probably promote apple rather than anything else.
    My guess is that it shouldn't be a problem, as long as you're not doing it for profit.


    josh hartnett scarlett. bikini with Josh Hartnett
  • bikini with Josh Hartnett

  • rmlred
    Mar 12, 10:55 PM
    Here is two of my personal videos:

    Here is 2 teaser video I edited for a small promotion company(I also do there weekly wedisode but they are 10-13 mins long and Im not trying to take up any ones time):

    Photo shoot with chicks-

    Bojangles Coliseum mud races(camera was not set to full HD and contrast is way too high)-

    All of this is edited with Adobe Premier and shot with Canon Vixia HF s200.
    A teacher at school has requested I be one the school new team next year editing the show, should be fun.

    josh hartnett scarlett. Cast: Josh Hartnett Scarlett
  • Cast: Josh Hartnett Scarlett

  • scem0
    Sep 28, 08:32 PM
    how so? I'm asking because I'm bored out of my wits, and I want to go dancing.

    Asking for everyone's favorite colors would get me no where.

    Sounds good njmac, thanks :).



    josh hartnett scarlett. Johansson- Josh Hartnett
  • Johansson- Josh Hartnett

  • fongyuen
    Mar 24, 11:19 PM
    The second example is really significantly front-focused, and is shot at f/2.8, so I don't think your focus and recompose technique is to blame (I'd expect a lot less change in focus using the slight focus and recompose you've used here).

    Did you lock focus on the eyes and then recompose? Is it possible that you re-focused after you recomposed?

    yeah, i can try to take notice of this next time, but i don't think i'm moving that significantly forwards and backwards or laterally, esp. as you pointed out, the recompose distance isn't all that much. nonetheless, i'll try to be more careful next time.

    i had a similar problem with my nikon 50mm, inconsistent focus and hunting for focus, even after i locked it. Problem was, I thought i locked it, but i didn't check the settings on the camera iteself. I was set up for continuous focus instead of single focus, which accounted for the lens hunting and refocusing everytime i tried to compose a shot.

    not sure if this helps, but once i did realize my error of not resetting the camera for what i was trying to do, the problem was gone.

    i'm definitely on One Shot AF rather than AI Servo so that shouldn't be it, but i haven't not tried locking the focus. i'll give that a try, thanks!

    josh hartnett scarlett. Josh Hartnett et Scarlett
  • Josh Hartnett et Scarlett

  • EDITMAN2411
    Apr 23, 10:25 PM
    So Im a freelance Editor/Motion Graphics guy with no real understanding of RAID Controller Cards, or how they work.

    As of right now I have three 1TB drives inside my Mac Pro, RAIDed together (stripe 0) using the OS. No Raid card.

    The drives are all 7200rpm from varying manufacturers. (not sure if this matters.)

    My questions is; is it beneficial for me to get a RAID card to control these drives vs. leaving it to the OS to handle? Any suggestions for me?


    2010 8-Core Mac Pro 2.4
    14GB RAM


    josh hartnett scarlett. In this photo: Josh Hartnett,
  • In this photo: Josh Hartnett,

  • 840quadra
    Sep 13, 12:55 AM
    There are only two diesels currently offered in the US: the MB e350 and VW Jetta. However, neither are availible for purchase in several states, including California, and New York.

    However, the regs allow ownership of these diesels within those states if the purchaser runs through severael hoops. Is anyone familiar with the process for purchasing the car out of state and importing back to the state with the prohibition? It involves driving the car for several thousand miles for a minimum number of months before registering in the home state. I'm most interested in California.

    VW Touareg
    VW New Beetle
    VW Passat (Soon the New model)
    and the VW Jetta.

    There are many more on the way, including from sister company Audi.

    What needs to happen for California and other states like it to allow them, is the us to switch to Low Sulfur diesel which ends up producing less hydrocarbons, and other emissions.

    With Low Sulfur, we will also have MANY more options for Diesel vehicles, as Mercedes, BMW, Audi, VW, Saab, Volvo, and other European car companies have great Diesel engines, they just don't want to invest in making them work with the High Sulfur diesel .

    I am not familiar with the process in question, but I am looking to do something similar, however involving importing a car from Germany that wasn't completely legal in the US.


    josh hartnett scarlett. Josh Hartnett
  • Josh Hartnett

  • szark
    Feb 6, 03:38 AM
    Based on the database-driven backend, and reading through the online manual, I doubt there is a limit on the number of levels he can define.

    So we'll just have to wait and see. :)


    josh hartnett scarlett. Scarlett Johansson amp; Josh
  • Scarlett Johansson amp; Josh

  • SideStepSociety
    May 5, 07:37 PM
    PRAM/NVRAM has nothing to do with the OP's issue.

    Mac OS X: What's stored in PRAM
    When to reset NVRAM or PRAM

    SMC might help with some fan, unexpected power-offs or slow performance issues, but not heat-related shutdowns, as the OP described.

    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)

    My apologies. I've always just done a PRAM reset after an SMC reset, as kind of a "cover all bases" kind of thing.

    Thanks for pointing that out though. :) Funny thing is, I've read that article before, but I was never actually sure what exactly was stored in PRAM, woe is me!

    josh hartnett scarlett. No wonder Scarlett was ready
  • No wonder Scarlett was ready

  • Peter.Howard
    Nov 13, 09:21 PM
    yeah the happy mac thats what i see no matter when i push the shift key

    It of course shouldn't matter, but you are using the shift key below the caps lock?

    I'm about at the limit of my knowledge from what I remember about these sorry.

    Maybe someone else can jump in with some ideas?

    Seems odd that it will not boot without extensions, or if it is getting to that point even?


    josh hartnett scarlett. Scarlett Johansson and Josh
  • Scarlett Johansson and Josh

  • yoyo5280
    Oct 19, 08:20 PM
    I will probably buy Leopard but can I show up with out buying it? Like to test it on the new macs?

    josh hartnett scarlett. Smiling Natalie Josh and
  • Smiling Natalie Josh and

  • Zeov
    Apr 23, 02:43 PM
    having lots of games running at once is awesome !

    josh hartnett scarlett. Josh Hartnett and Scarlett
  • Josh Hartnett and Scarlett

  • mpw
    Mar 18, 06:01 AM
    What are the best games for Windows right now?...

    I haven't played a windows game in ages, but if it were raining my brother and me used to choose a droplet each and race them down to the cill.

    Wicked good fun!

    Sep 10, 07:08 PM
    4th Gen iPod Touch skins now available at Best Skins Ever. I have their skin on my 1st gen iPhone as well as 80GB iPod classic, no issues at all. Cost is $6.99 for the full body skin. Going to order mine so hopefully the skin is here by the time Apple finally get's around to shipping out my 64GB touch.

    Apr 22, 08:14 AM
    why is a tab button needed. Command + T seems to be easier. Now a way to scroll through tabs would be nice.

    Sep 23, 05:09 PM
    Welcome to the family! ;) If you have any questions at all, just ask them here on MacRumors - there are more than enough knowledgeable and friendly people here to help you out no matter what it is you may need. :cool:

    Blue Velvet
    Nov 29, 02:23 PM
    i still need more concrete clarification on whether to trademark or copyright the logo for my company...

    No need to bother. You possess moral rights immediately upon its final form:

    When is my work protected?

    Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device.

    Besides, to be frank, it's quite probable that your design will infringe on the copyright of others.

    Apr 8, 10:58 AM
    Inspired by a user's thread who is unhappy with the way their KB backlight works (, I decided to play with the Ambient Light Sensor and KB backlight on my MBP.

    I was a bit disappointed to see that unlike under W7 ( is no official API to access the sensor data. Really?

    Anyhow, I quickly found this code: and various comments around that it doesn't work anymore. A bit more digging led to this code: which does actually work and allowed me to whip this up.

    A few reasons for the post:

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