lynda lopez

lynda lopez. Lynda began her career as a DJ
  • Lynda began her career as a DJ

  • chmorley
    Sep 13, 08:27 PM
    Originally posted by gopher
    ...When your stage is 3 times longer, you have to go three times as fast to catch up.

    If your Mac is slower than a PC for any reason on the same application it is because the software hasn't been optimized for the Mac. Write the software developer before you complain about the Mac speed. Get them to develop for Altivec. It makes a world of difference. Not true...and not true.

    When a pipeline (not a "stage", as pipelines are made up of stages) is 3 times longer, there are more opportunities for inefficiencies. While in theory this could make some software 3 times less efficient, in real life this is rarely the case.

    Secondly, saying the only time Macs are slower than PCs is when apps haven't been optimized for Altivec is patently false. Having applications utilize AltiVec is great, but it often doesn't make up for the fact that the processor is slower.

    I am as Pro-Mac as the next guy, but getting the facts wrong makes us just look like we don't know anything about computers. The biggest pro of the Mac is the OS (and the elegance of the experience). It's foolish, though, not to acknowledge the downside, which is slower chips (some say "inferior hardware", but I think that overstates the importance of speed). Overall in the equation, I prefer Macs by a lot, but they're slower than PCs.

    No need to deny it.


    lynda lopez. Jennifer and Lynda Lopez
  • Jennifer and Lynda Lopez

  • FX4568
    Apr 24, 11:50 AM
    Order of importance

    - Stronger GPU
    - Sharper colors
    - Longer battery life
    - Stronger CPU
    - Liquid metal
    - Ethernet
    - 6GB
    - Thunderbolt
    - Backlit
    - USB 3.0

    lynda lopez. and Her Sister Lynda Lopez
  • and Her Sister Lynda Lopez

  • swiftaw
    Nov 14, 09:51 AM
    Very cool idea. Now, what airlines need to do is publish this information on their websites so you can know when choosing your seats what are the accommodations of 19F.

    I always use to choose a good seat.

    lynda lopez. lynda amp; jennifer lopez behind
  • lynda amp; jennifer lopez behind

  • Thomas Veil
    Apr 3, 11:58 AM
    States broke? Maybe they cut taxes too much (

    WASHINGTON — In his new budget proposal, Ohio Republican Gov. John Kasich calls for extending a generous 21 percent cut in state income taxes. The measure was originally part of a sweeping 2005 tax overhaul that abolished the state corporate income tax and phased out a business property tax.

    The tax cuts were supposed to stimulate Ohio's economy and create jobs. But that never happened once the economy tanked. Instead, the changes ended up costing Ohio more than $2 billion a year in lost tax revenue; money that would go a long way toward closing the state's $8 billion budget gap for fiscal year 2012.

    "At least half of our current budget problem is a direct result of the tax changes we made in 2005. A lot of people don't want to hear that, but that's the reality. Much of our pain is self-inflicted," said Zach Schiller, research director at Policy Matters Ohio, a liberal government-research group in Cleveland.

    Schiller's lament is by no means unique. Across the country, taxpayers jarred by cuts to government jobs and services are reassessing the risks and costs of a variety of tax reductions, exemptions and credits, and the ideology that drives them. States cut taxes in hopes of spurring economic growth, but in state after state, it hasn't worked...

    In Texas, which faces a $27 billion budget deficit over the next two years, about one-third of the shortage stems from a 2006 property tax reduction that was linked to an underperforming business tax.

    In Louisiana, lawmakers essentially passed the largest tax cut in state history by rolling back an income-tax hike for high earners in 2007 and again in 2008.

    Without those tax reductions, Louisiana wouldn't have had a budget deficit in fiscal year the 2011 deficit would've been 50 percent less and the 2012 deficit of $1.6 billion would be reduced by about one-third, said Edward Ashworth, the director of the Louisiana Budget Project, a watchdog group.

    These and similar budget problems nationwide are symptoms of a larger condition, said Timothy J. Bartik, senior economist at the Upjohn Institute for Employment Research in Kalamazoo, Mich.

    "If state and local taxes were at the same percentage of state personal income as they were 40 years ago, you wouldn't have all these budgetary problems," Bartik said.

    Before California's Proposition 13 triggered a nationwide tax-cut revolt in the late 1970s, state and local taxes accounted for nearly 13 percent of personal income in 1972, Bartik said. By it was 11 percent.

    State corporate income taxes have fallen as well. Once nearly 10 percent of all state tax revenue in the late '70s, they accounted for only 5.4 percent in 2010.

    "It's a dying tax, killed off by thousands of credits, deductions, abatements and incentive packages," according to 2010 congressional testimony by Joseph Henchman, the director of state projects at the Tax Foundation, a conservative tax-research center.

    Even now, as states struggle to provide basic services and ponder job cuts that threaten their economic recovery, at least seven governors in states with budget deficits have called for or enacted large tax reductions, mainly for businesses.

    Five are newly elected Republicans in Florida, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey and Wisconsin. The others are Republican Jan Brewer of Arizona and Democrat Beverly Perdue of North Carolina.

    Their willingness to forgo needed tax revenue is hard to fathom, as states face a collective $125 billion budget shortfall for the coming fiscal year, said Jon Shure, the deputy director of the State Fiscal Project at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a respected liberal research institute in Washington.

    "To be cutting taxes when you're short of revenue is like saying you could run faster if you cut off your foot," Shure said.

    "States have suffered an unprecedented collapse in revenue, and they are at the bottom of a deep hole looking up, and these governors are saying, 'You need a ladder to climb out, but I'm going to give you a shovel instead, so you can dig the hole deeper.' "

    ...After the nation recovered from the 1990-91 recession, 43 states made sizable tax cuts from 1994 to 2001 as the economy surged. Twenty-eight states, in fact, reduced their unemployment insurance payroll taxes after 1995.

    But states that cut taxes the most ended up with the largest budget shortfalls and higher job losses when the economy slowed again in according to research by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.I think this is roughly as surprising as Charlie Sheen's tour bombing.

    Of course, it would fall to one of the smaller media companies to report that not everything is about cutting expenses, that maybe it's a revenue problem as well, if not more so.

    Whether you believe that tax cuts are part of a plan to attack public workers and privatize state functions, or just an unrealistic ideological belief, the fact is if you're not talking about right-sizing your state's taxation level, you're not serious about reducing the deficit.


    lynda lopez. Sisters: Lynda Lopez and
  • Sisters: Lynda Lopez and

  • Phat_Pat
    Sep 6, 08:06 PM

    thats a great site.

    i wonder how much are real?

    lynda lopez. Lynda Lopez
  • Lynda Lopez

  • geko29
    Apr 14, 08:02 AM
    Since the iPad data payment can't be tied to a pre-existing AT&T or Verizon cell phone plan, I just don't see much advantage to getting a Verizon iPad unless you live in an area without AT&T service. Thoughts?

    Not true. I just added a fifth iPad to an AT&T Wireless Postpaid account, and I fully expect to add more (on that's on order right now, probably more to come).

    SOOOOOO much easier than dealing with the prepaid nonsense, with individual usernames, passwords, and credit cards required for every two iPads.


    lynda lopez. Lynda Lopez la soeur de J-Lo
  • Lynda Lopez la soeur de J-Lo

  • JAT
    Apr 12, 03:11 PM
    Ugh, outlook syncing to Exchange 2010 is still slow. Emails hit my iPhone instantly, as well as Outlook 2010. As for the Outlook it takes up to 30 seconds. Maybe they need to improve EWS???
    Very slow on Office too. My 1G iPod Touch was faster.
    They made Mac OS office very similar to the windows counterpart in the 2011 version. Granted its not 100% the same but the gap between office 2011 on mac and office 2011 on windows is very tiny now.
    They made 2011 similar to not 2010.

    lynda lopez. and sister, Lynda Lopez.
  • and sister, Lynda Lopez.

  • Collected
    Apr 21, 01:22 PM
    Ahh my wet dream of John Carmack and Steve Jobs on the same stage gets a little closer.


    lynda lopez. her sister Lynda Lopez at
  • her sister Lynda Lopez at

  • elfxmilhouse
    Jan 6, 07:55 PM
    can the new app play facebook videos?

    i hate how you can see and click on the videos in the facebook app but it would just give you a message stating videos are not supported....THEN WHY DO YOU SHOW IT IN tHE FEED?!

    lynda lopez. Jennifer Lopez and Lynda Lopez
  • Jennifer Lopez and Lynda Lopez

  • Blue Velvet
    Sep 13, 07:31 AM
    Hey Gary... don't worry.

    Had it myself for the first time just over 6 weeks ago for major surgery.
    It's not like sleep at all: no dreaming, no tossing & turning etc.

    In my case, the anaesthetist was in a small room off from the main theater. I was wheeled in on my bed. Some lines were inserted into my left hand and forearm, he disappeared behind me to check something... we chatted for a few seconds and then... I woke up in a large sunny room.

    It will seem like a handful of seconds will have passed since the anaesthetist induced full anaesthesia and waking up in the recovery room. Depending on the surgery they will have already put you on post-op pain relief and you may just feel fine and dandy like I did. Upon awakening, they will probably ask you a few simple questions to ascertain your mental state.

    Afterwards, you may be thirsty -- don't gulp water, though. It can leave you feeling nauseous. If you can manage it, it's also quite nice to have something a little starchy yet easy to digest like half a banana or a cookie, if doctors allow you to take food.

    Afterwards, I was on a morphine drip for 5 days and oral painkillers for the entire time in hospital -- I'm still on them now but a much-reduced dose...

    It's important to mobilise yourself as soon as the nurses let you. Take little gentle walks around the place -- gets the circulation, respiration and digestive system up and running.


    lynda lopez. Lynda Lopez and bf Adam
  • Lynda Lopez and bf Adam

  • *LTD*
    Apr 14, 02:00 PM
    I like the mop behind him. Is he the janitor of the data center?


    lynda lopez. Guadalupe Lopez and Linda
  • Guadalupe Lopez and Linda

  • kazmac
    Apr 30, 06:24 PM
    Same resolution for the 13" > but these changes would be nice:

    8GB ram option
    larger SSD drive
    longer battery life > closer to the iPad (iPad has really spoiled me as far as battery life).

    and perhaps just a little lighter.

    If the RAM/Battery life bumps are in I'll reconsider, especially since my wrists are okay with the magic mouse and an Apple laptop > (why I didn't use my Magic Mouse with the Airs/Pros I tested over the last month > duh).


    lynda lopez. Nicole Zakheim middot; Lynda Lopez
  • Nicole Zakheim middot; Lynda Lopez

  • macsmurf
    May 6, 09:59 PM
    "Networking" in Windows CAN be hard. Because it provides a lot of flexibility and versatility. While MS does try to make "Home Networking" user friendly, I'm afraid I wouldn't say it's completely intuitive. But it's mostly because ppl don't RTFM! In this day, the internet has so many "guides" that it should not need a person with half a brain. Google is a really neat word ppl should learn. If they don't know about it by some chance...its in the dictionary! No joke!!!

    Apple on the other hand, realizes this about some ppl who are "un-helpable" so their motto is to "dumb down the interface" so that ppl with 1/4 a brain can do many "computer tasks". But this doesn't really make a difference to ppl who require "powerful" networking, which includes all indirect benefits found in Windows...prolly grown since the intro of Windows NT. And that's why Windows has been the primary choice for industry. Not just your "word processing station" as well as evidently, the "server arena", but also as an interface to control machines from cash registers to robotic chained automation assembly lines that makes the actual computers!...including macs and iPhones! :p

    For me, a terminal shell is an indispensable tool. In other words I find Windows frustrating.

    Anyway, what exactly is this powerful networking you're talking about?
    Extra large tubes?

    Oh, I just remembered an anecdote. Some years ago, we had a bit of a problem at my home. We received a complaint from our ISP that we were sending out spam. The problem is that our local network is used by around 30 apartments and the guy who received the complaint didn't really know anything about networking. He's really just a contact person. Anyway, he knocked on my door and luckily I had an old P4 with two NICs that ran some version of Linux, so I configured it as a bridge and to log packages going to port 25 (SMTP) via netfilter. Then we just put it between the router and local network. After a couple of hours I checked the logs and we found the culprit.

    How would I go about that using Windows? Is it in the manual? To be honest, I'm not sure how to do it in OS X either (nor would I want to) :)

    lynda lopez. younger sister Lynda Lopez
  • younger sister Lynda Lopez

  • HexMonkey
    May 28, 04:59 PM
    I don't have much time right now (I'm kind of in class at the moment) but I think I figured out how to edit categories, just edit the category page like any normal page, I'm going to test it out with a new category later when I have more time to figure out how to delete my test category after creating it (yes I'm very new to wiki editing).

    Only sysops can delete pages. If you want to create a test category I can delete it when you're done with it.


    lynda lopez. younger sister Lynda Lopez
  • younger sister Lynda Lopez

    Jun 10, 12:24 PM
    Oh god PLEASE! I've already decided to hold off until this fall and get an iPhone as my birthday present to myself but Tmo would be the greatest gift ever!

    your signature...AT&T has had early eligibility since the 3G hit back in '08...I don't think they're scared of anything...except facetime, and free tethering

    lynda lopez. younger sister Lynda Lopez
  • younger sister Lynda Lopez

  • jbh001
    Nov 11, 12:02 PM
    *****urei shimashita! :o

    ENOUGH! We'll have no more of THAT language 'round here, young lady!


    lynda lopez. lane victims lynda lopez
  • lane victims lynda lopez

  • Friscohoya
    Jun 10, 05:02 PM
    Just buy T-Mobile. Its cheap and compatible with the current iphone hardware. Looks like its worth around 10 billion. They could just write a check. Its actually right up apple's alley given their hostorical desire to control everything under the umbrella. They would obviously have to make significant investments to to get the network up to par with ATT and Verizon, but the returns are there. The iphone would be untouchable if Apple controlled the networks. They would change the whole industry. Better yet, Deutch Telekom wants to sell.

    lynda lopez. lane victims lynda lopez
  • lane victims lynda lopez

  • InfoSecmgr
    Apr 6, 03:40 PM
    We wouldn't use them for killing. Quite the contrary. As an Intelligence Analyst I can say that I would love to have a Mac based system for all of our mapping/communication/networking needs. We wouldn't even need a "tough book" like computer, since most of my work is done out of a tent or a building. A rubber casing or strip could easily seal the ports. I have been wanting to incorporate my MBP into my work more and more.

    +1 for mapping. When I worked at a Joint Reserve Intelligence Center (JRIC) the intel guys that deal with imagery (sorry I don't know the term) used Macs with 30 inch ACD's.

    lynda lopez. talks with Lynda Lopez and
  • talks with Lynda Lopez and

  • tigress666
    Apr 19, 09:51 AM
    Facebook integration

    And as I posted on the other thread in the iphone forum about this idea:

    Ugh, god no! I don't want facebook integrated with my phone. Keep it seperate thankyouverymuch. I don't need it having access to my phone (yeah, you say it won't... but this is Facebook... do you really trust them that much? Facebook is very sleezy and does everything possible in loopholes to get your information like changing settings and not telling people that they need to change their settings to *keep* their privacy settings *the same*. I'd say they are far worse than Google which people freak out about).

    While I'm totally addicted to Facebook I admit, I trust them as far as I can throw my car.

    Jan 8, 09:51 AM
    It's nice to see that the banner from the Apple website is being replicated at the MW venue (assuming it isn't a fake), but it shouldn't been seen as an indication that 2007 is going to bring amazing products. Remember that apple has a track record of over-hyping itself.

    Oct 25, 07:26 AM
    I ordered a MBP last evening, and cancelled my order late last night after realizing that it is WAY more than I need. I have been waiting for this Merom update for ages, but I guess I'll have to wait a bit longer for the MMB. The MBP was just way too over-the-top for my use, and way too expensive for what I need.

    So now that I'm on this bandwagon...

    What's the speculation on a timeframe? Before Thanksgiving?

    Nov 14, 09:39 AM
    i had been expecting something huge like this to come out today... and i'm expecting bigger still...

    Right on! Apple is going to mitigate the media flurry around the Zune. "Brownie, you are doing a heck of a job..."

    how long till somebody makes an adaptor for the zune to make use of the apple dock connector?

    That does get to the heart of the matter doesn't it. The airlines and auto manufactures, and heck the audio industry is not going to want to support multiple interfaces... Will there be a standard? HA! Fat chance. Adapters - maybe. I need the zune to iPod dock port dongle... Wait, I won't need one - I'm a podder.

    May 5, 12:08 PM
    I agree! I didn't read the whole thread, but in response to the "Apple tax":
    What about the Windows "antivirus tax" or the Windows "Registry tax" or any number of other Windows "productivity and performance taxes"?

    Major virus/malware problems, the registry and the gradual Windows slow down are all problems from the past. In Windows 7, all that is needed is a good free Antivirus (like MSE) and the same common sense needed not to catch malware in OS X.

    People who argue about Windows viruses, slowdown and registry sound just as silly as them who still claim Macs only have one mouse button in my opinion. Both are things from the past.

    Jun 18, 02:00 PM
    I figured this out last night poking around in System Profiler on the new Mac Mini display unit in the local Apple Store. There was a new, separate entry for "Card Reader" that I hadn't seen before. Lo and behold, there it was, "SDXC", supporting 2.5GT/s (that's 2.5Gbps before taking into account the all the data transfer protocol overhead).

    Doing some more poking, I found in the Ethernet section the fact that the new Minis use a Broadcom BCM57765 ( controller�which just happens to also include the memory card reader controller, which supports SDXC.
    The ultimate transfer speed will depend on the card used. Some are a lot slower than others. Looks like the card reader was "free" with the ether controller. I can see this making sense on a laptop so you don't have to carry around an extra dongle but I would rather just have an extra USB on a desktop, especially since the damn thing is on the back.

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