easter bunny cartoon

easter bunny cartoon. Cute Easter bunny cartoon
  • Cute Easter bunny cartoon

  • Cottonsworth
    Jul 8, 09:00 AM
    Is the battery life as bad as I've heard? I think I prefer the Incredible to the Droid X (mainly because of size), but I hate not being able to make it through the day without charging my phone.

    It is going to be a real subjective answer because it all depends on how much you use the web/apps/games. To make it short, I don't have an answer for you but it does have a much better battery life than my 3G.

    easter bunny cartoon. EASTER BUNNY CARTOONS

  • Object-X
    Sep 12, 05:27 PM
    I really don't understand all the comments about why doesn't it have a DVD player, or it doesn't have Tivo capabilities, ect. I really think you all are missing the point: it is designed to eventually replace all those technologies. OK, it doesnt' do it yet, but Jobs said something very important at the end of the keynote, and that was "you can see the direction we are heading".

    The whole concept here is to make DVD players, recorders, rentals, and even channel viewing irrelevant. You will purchase, subscribe, rent?, and control all media content on your computer and simply stream it to an HDTV.

    Does it support HDTV resolutions? Not yet, but I'm sure it will. Remember, iTV is a direction, not the end of the road.

    So, the complaints are more or less becaues we are impatient and want it all now. This is just a start. If done right, this concept of computer, iTunes Store, and iTV could replace cable and satellite TV service. Why screw around trying to record shows, edit commercials, ect. when you can just get and control your content easily and simply with your computer?

    I like this whole idea. I can see cable news channels offering their content via TVcasts that you can subscribe too, and other network channels offering their media libraries for download or even rental; and the iTunes Store will basically act as the purchasing hub. Want Monday nights football game? Just subscribe to it on iTunes and it will download automatically and you can watch it whenever. Who needs Tivo? Don't need 200 channels of crap? Just download the stuff you want to watch and have your own media library. Who needs cable and commercials?

    easter bunny cartoon. funny easter bunny cartoon
  • funny easter bunny cartoon

  • emotion
    Sep 21, 01:39 PM
    My point is that it's possible that the "network can't cope", exactly.

    Hence the HD as cache perhaps?

    easter bunny cartoon. Funny unny cartoon with
  • Funny unny cartoon with

  • chrono1081
    Apr 5, 10:16 PM
    Actually, I do think this would bug me. I love that I have all of my most used programs (Word, Excel, Photoshop, Lightroom, Notepad, etc, plus one particular folder) right there for easy access with 1 click of the Start button -- yet hidden away completely out of sight (until I click on Start). I also love having quick access to my "Recent Items" list, to quickly open a file I was recently working on.

    How are the above 2 things done on a Mac?

    eek... I use "alt-tab" and "copy & paste" A LOT! :eek:

    Doesn't Mac have these things too? :confused:

    For the applications, they are all right at your fingertips at the dock or if you want them hidden and want to access them at an instant you can put them in a stack. Think of a stack like the windows start menu, but faster (and it doesn't have to be programs it can be anything).

    As for alt+tab and copy and paste people are making it out to be an issue and its not. Use command + tab instead of alt tab, and command + c for copy, and command + v for paste. Its different at first but then you get use to it. I now like command better than control since command is next to the spacebar and is easier to reach.

    Also, its perfectly easy to go up file structure levels in Finder, just customize your tool bar (see image)

    Anyway I switched from Windows to Mac 3 years ago (because Vista pre service pack 1 couldn't handle large file transfers) and haven't looked back. It was the best move I made (and I fix Windows desktops and servers for a living). Now I can't stand using Windows anymore. I'm much more productive on a Mac.

    easter bunny cartoon. tags: cartoon, easter, humor
  • tags: cartoon, easter, humor

  • 100Teraflops
    Apr 5, 07:12 PM
    Hmm? I'm not really sure what this means. Can you explain?

    Wow. I could see this being a pain in the butt when we're used to just clicking on 'Close Window' and we're done.

    Are you guys sure that switching is really "worth it"? (serious question)

    One can delete icons by dragging and dropping them onto the desktop from another app or the dock. However, they are not permanently deleted from your hard drive. It sounds strange at first, but it is pretty cool once you get use to seeing the icon mystified, saying it is thrash. :eek: Both Windows and Mac thrash icons are waste paper baskets. :)

    There are videos on Apple's web-site titled something like "switching from Windows to Mac 101 or the switch basics." I do not remember the exact title, but mine are close. These tutorials will be helpful! Check them out! Also, you can drag items such as photos and video directly onto the desktop with the mouse.

    As far as regretting the "switch," no way! :) OS X is easy to use and the 'finder' is pretty much idiot proof! While using Windows, I struggle to find simply things like documents and system files, because you have to add exc and other computer jargon to find what you are looking for. Point being: using the finder incorporated into Mac OS X to hunt down documents and system files is easy. Plus you can search specific aspects of the hard drive. Like the entire hard drive, your music library, applications, a.k.a. apps (which are programs in Windows land,) or your documents. Each are separate folders to conduct a search for 'X' file, app, or song.

    I am not bashing Windows though! This must be noted, because I am not a wiz with any operating system. Each OS has its pros and cons and I am unfairly pointing out the cons of Windows, because that is your request. I like to use computers, as I am a button pusher, but I do not how they tic. :D

    easter bunny cartoon. Bugs Bunny Easter
  • Bugs Bunny Easter

  • joepunk
    Mar 15, 12:52 AM
    Someone has a Geiger Counter reading set up in Tokyo (I assume that is the location). If someone can explain this that would be wonderful.

    LINK (http://park18.wakwak.com/~weather/geiger_index.html)

    http://park18.wakwak.com/~weather/uploaddata/radiation.jpg (http://park18.wakwak.com/~weather/uploaddata/radiation.jpg)

    easter bunny cartoon. happy easter bunny images
  • happy easter bunny images

  • gorgeousninja
    Apr 13, 07:53 AM
    So this is basically a jazzed up Final Cut Express and the pros have been shown the door. Why am I not shocked about this. :mad:

    Someday I'll tell my kids that Apple was the company for pros to which they will laugh in disbelief; kind of how I do now when old people tell me that American cars were once high quality.

    don't have kids... ever ...

    easter bunny cartoon. easter bunny cartoon drawing.
  • easter bunny cartoon drawing.

  • SimD
    Apr 12, 10:50 PM
    I know what grading is. Prove to me that this App has no grading capability.

    But you can't prove that it does...

    Color really needs to stay stand alone I feel. If Apple were to merge both, I feel it would be immensely bloated.

    Plus, at least in our case, our primary editing machines don't really have Color setup. Only our colour correction studios.

    easter bunny cartoon. and Easter bunny cartoon
  • and Easter bunny cartoon

  • iMikeT
    Jul 12, 12:47 AM
    With all of these options, I don't know what to think any more.:confused:

    easter bunny cartoon. easter bunnies cartoon.
  • easter bunnies cartoon.

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 21, 05:37 PM
    Shhh. Your experiences are obviously the exception, since they don't conform to his viewpoints.

    To be honest, the really "tech savy" ones are the ones who can and do use MULTIPLE platforms. Not just Windows, nor Mac, nor Linux, but a combination of many.

    I do love his "IT guy" argument though. I just had a friend's father, 20+ years as an IT Professional, convert over to Mac after getting fed up with the Windows Virus/Malware/other random issues train.

    He posted the pic of him in the Apple store looking at an iMac with the caption, "You're doing it right."


    I find them funny too because I can sit the example around here in around me in my class full of Computer Engineering and Computer Sciences majors and look at their phones.
    The iPhone is in the minority. in a class of 30 you might have 2 iPhones which is out numbered by Android, and blackberry. Android being the most popular by far followed by blackberry then dumb phones. Then you get to iPhone.

    It is not that we do not like the iPhone. We just have no in interested in the iPhone. Fair number of people I have noticed have iPads and iPods but we just do not want the iPhone. From the AT&T users for a while there was bitching about the lack of android phones.

    easter bunny cartoon. Cartoon: Easter Bunny 02-1
  • Cartoon: Easter Bunny 02-1

  • noahtk
    Apr 9, 04:16 PM
    Pay off Sony for PSP ports!!!

    easter bunny cartoon. Easter Bunnies Cartoon
  • Easter Bunnies Cartoon

  • Sayer
    Apr 15, 09:28 AM
    Maybe the parents and teachers could be more effective then ephemeral videos by "concerned celebrities" and tech ppl most didn't know even existed?

    And its not just LGBT kids that get bullied, as was seen in that epic take down video from Australia.

    THAT video shows how one should handle bullying IMHO. I bet that scrawny lil Jersey Shore wannabe won't mess with that kid anymore.

    Weakness attracts aggression, because the aggressors look for weaker targets, because otherwise they get beat down.

    easter bunny cartoon. cartoon easter bunnies and
  • cartoon easter bunnies and

  • Demoman
    Jul 12, 09:11 AM
    My DualCore 2.0 PM G5 is just fine and will be REALLY fine until CS 3 is released next spring/summer. Until then, I wouldn't be able to fully utilize the new Mac Pro. I installed my CS 2 on my MacBook and what a dog compared to my G5 at home and my G5 at work. Granted my buddy who is stuck on a 867 QuickSilver at work says that it runs about the same, but that doesn't cut it when I've been using a G5 for 2 years at work and 6 months at home.

    I hope that the "little apps" out there hurry up and get converted over quicker than has been happening. Flash Player has bugged me. They keep using "Betas" and "trials". Flip4Mac hasn't released their update yet for Universal so viewing WMV's is near impossible on the MacIntels. Little things like that make a world of difference.

    My DualCore 2.0 PM G5 is just fine too. I have a quad right beside it, but I only fire that up for rendering/compressing or when I want to work the video and sound/animation concurrently. I will buy another PM as I am doing more motion graphics and would like to throw another 4 processors at it. If the new high-end Intel looks good, I will get one. But, I might also look to pick-up a super deal on a PPC Quad. Love those machines!

    easter bunny cartoon. Easter Bunny Clip Art Cartoon
  • Easter Bunny Clip Art Cartoon

  • AidenShaw
    Oct 26, 07:04 AM
    Now we see what Apple saw - why the Mac Pro is strickly BTO.

    Just add two more processor options for the X5355 and E5345, and this upgrade is done.
    Just like the Dell online store... ;)

    easter bunny cartoon. easter bunny cartoon face. Draw the Cartoon Easter; Draw the Cartoon Easter. jaxstate. Jul 15, 07:59 AM. A real mess?
  • easter bunny cartoon face. Draw the Cartoon Easter; Draw the Cartoon Easter. jaxstate. Jul 15, 07:59 AM. A real mess?

  • dethmaShine
    Apr 21, 05:03 PM
    You're holding it wrong.

    Come on, you were just asking for that :)

    Isn't that the same thing google said with the nexus one?

    I may be forgetting something. :rolleyes:

    easter bunny cartoon. cute easter bunnies cartoon.
  • cute easter bunnies cartoon.

  • lilo777
    Apr 28, 03:50 PM
    Most people run windows on their macs? are you high?
    Are you? Why do you think Windows 7 sells so well? All Mac users need to buy one.

    easter bunny cartoon. Funny Easter bunny -vector
  • Funny Easter bunny -vector

  • awmazz
    Mar 13, 11:34 PM
    Why can't people get away from the concept of a centralized power source, like a coal or nuclear plant or even a wind farm to generate their national needs? I even see arguments that 'we don't have the space' for alternative power. Look at an aerial photo of any city and all you see is miles and miles of dead empty blank rooves. Solar panels or even small wind turbines on every single roof in every city will have people either reducing their reliance on a central power source or even contributing their own electricity to the grid to the point you may not even need a central power source, or maybe just one - which could be a wind farm or a nice clean geothermal plant.

    Of course that all requires people actually caring more about the world than money, so it ain't gonna happen.

    What's more important is demand - being able to produce enough energy when we need it. This is where solar and wind fall short. They don't generate when we want them to, they only generate when mother nature wants them to. It would be fine if grid energy storage (IE batteries) technology was developed enough to be able to store enough energy to power a service area through an entire winter (in the case of solar). But last I checked, current grid energy storage batteries can only store a charge for 8-12 hours before they start losing charge on their own. They're also the size of buildings, fail after 10 years, and cost a ton of money.

    This is why a lot of utilities have gone to nuclear to replace coal and why here in the US, we still rely on coal to provide roughly 50% of our electricity and most of our base load. There are few options.

    Geothermal. Magma is 24/7.

    Opinions should be the same. Nuclear is clean and efficient, but has potential dangers. Shouldn't take a meltdown to remind anyone of that.

    I wish people would stop repeating this public relations line from the nuclear industry PR depts. If they were making cheese, would you believe their cheese is cheesier?

    I posted on the first page of this thread that it only looks clean on your end because all the filth and pollution is on our end where it's mined. To wit, 60 MILLION TONNES of radioactive tailings waste from just one mine in just 20 years. Seriously think how much that is - it's one fifth of a tonne of radioactive tailings waste for EVERY man woman and child in the USA. EVERY twenty years. From JUST ONE MINE. Now assure me again how 'clean' nuclear is?

    And then once the toxic fuel is spent where to dump all that filthy poisonous waste? In 40 gallon drums in the ocean? Pay another country to bury it so it leaches into their water table?

    The *only* clean part nuclear power is the part with the white whispy steam. Ah, look, it's just water, how cleaaaaann! But for the non-steam parts, it really does sound like shatting over the edge of your nests onto others' heads where you can't see the diarrheous filth and delude yourselves into proclaiming that you are being 'clean'. If it was a cartoon it'd actually be funny.

    easter bunny cartoon. Easter Rabbit cartoon 1
  • Easter Rabbit cartoon 1

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 07:43 AM
    Apple should be courting game developers, not their execs. These execs usually don't know much games other than to milk franchises until they're useless while the gameplay suffers.

    easter bunny cartoon. easter bunny cartoon face.
  • easter bunny cartoon face.

  • OllyW
    Apr 28, 07:50 AM
    And growth is bad?

    I don't understand what you are getting at?

    The figure from the year before was for Macs only. The iPad has sold very well so pushes Apple's share up when they are included but it isn't a Mac.

    Mac sales were at record levels last year but if they had increased their market share by 188% then I would be more than impressed. ;)

    Mar 18, 07:32 AM
    On a limited plan, the carriers have NO business saying how the data should be used. You pay for the data, and they do NOTHING to provide the service of tethering. But I agree that on an unlimited plan, tethering is a little like someone said, going to an all-you-can-eat-buffet, paying for one, and then sharing. Of course, you're not likely to be tethering all the time that you're paying for the service, so not exactly the same.

    What the carriers should do is make tethering completely, 100% free for anyone on a capped plan, and replace the current "unlimited" plan with 2 plans - one that costs the same, but has a cap of say 2GB over the next lower plan, and another that's a true unlimited plan that adds and includes the cost of tethering.

    This kind of cr*p makes me mad.


    Oct 8, 10:23 AM
    Faster at what? I'm too lazy to find the part in the keynote where they showed this. Was it 20% faster at something designed to use all 8 cores?
    The task was a multi-threaded matrix multiplication that easily scales to multiple cores.

    This is representative of many HPC and rendering apps, but not as realistic for most desktop apps (unless, of course, you're like MultiMedia and run several separate instances of the desktop apps simulataneously).

    The sections in the video are at 11:50 to 15:00, and 26:30 to 28:00. (The gap is while the engineer is swapping CPUs and rebooting.)

    My earlier numbers were a bit off - rewatching the video the Woodie system was 40% faster than the Opteron, at 17% less power. The Clovertowns were low-voltage parts "about 900MHz" slower than the Woodies. The octo (dual quads) was about 60% faster than the Opteron at 17% less power. (I'd like to have seen them put in faster Clovertowns, and show what the octo Clovertown would do when matching the power draw of the Opteron.)

    At about 25:00 minutes in, Gelsinger says that the "two woodies in one socket" is the "right way to do quad-core at 65nm", due to manufacturing and yield issues.

    Apr 15, 11:52 AM
    I feel sad at how many of you are totally distorting the message of Christ. The real blame goes on those who use his name to sully his very purpose. Those false Christians make me sick.

    I agree. People should focus exclusively on the New Testament, where hateful behaviour is unequivocally denounced.

    Take slavery, for instance. If ever there was a hateful action that we call all be united against, it's slavery. Good thing the NT takes a firm stance against slavery...

    ohh.... (http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/1pet/2.html#18)

    damn... (http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/1tim/6.html#1)

    it doesn't... (http://skepticsannotatedbible.com/col/3.html#22)

    We should also commend Jesus himself, for taking such a firm stance against the horrors of the Old Testament...

    wait... (http://bible.cc/matthew/5-18.htm)

    that's not correct... (http://bible.cc/luke/16-17.htm)

    Mar 11, 02:34 AM
    I'm in Tokyo. The big shake happened around 3 in the afternoon. I was walking around outside. Returned immediately to my apartment. Lots of broken glass and plates. Books have fallen from the shelf and my office was a mess, but my old mother, dog & cats, and Macs are okay. The aftershocks are continuing.

    The damage in Tokyo seems to be fairly light. The situation in Sendai (northern part of Japan) is very serious. It's been hit by tsunami. The TV is showing these helicopter shots of tsunami coming in, and you can actually see cars and buildings and sometimes people being washed away. Can't do anything. I stopped watching TV.

    Sep 12, 04:51 PM
    Does anyone know if Apple will be providing some kind of developer toolkit for this "iTV" device? I sure hope so, I can think of a number of neat ways to put this device to work, not the least of which is a Tivo-like module. :cool:

    All in all it sounds like a neat little unit, with an fairly good price. I'll have to buy me a XServe with some XRaid's so I can put my entire DVD library into it. ;)

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