ronaldo cristiano 2011

ronaldo cristiano 2011. Tagged: cristiano, ronaldo
  • Tagged: cristiano, ronaldo

  • rnelan7
    Feb 28, 10:26 PM
    Here is the College setup, I will eventually upgrade to the Logitech Performance wireless mouse. What is seen in the picture:

    27" iMac
    11.6" Macbook Air
    Blackberry Tour
    PS3 Slim
    Xbox 360 Slim

    Picture taken with iPhone 4

    Through the door seen is my bathroom and right behind me is my bed and closets. Pretty cozy room but I think I have positioned everything to make the best of it.

    EDIT: I just hooked my iMac up to my tv to play movies/shows etc. on but I ran into one problem. I cannot turn my iMac display off and keep my tv on. If anyone knows how to do this please let me know asap!

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano
  • Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano

  • paeza
    Oct 24, 12:35 AM
    Could anyone tell me what is "Santa Rosa " ?

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano
  • Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano

  • J the Ninja
    Apr 12, 09:04 PM
    Tonight is the FCP8 unveiling, they've just said it.

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. Cristiano Ronaldo scored a
  • Cristiano Ronaldo scored a

  • ranviper
    Feb 18, 08:20 AM
    New pics for the new thread. :eek:

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Cristiano Ronaldo

  • 63dot
    Jan 5, 12:31 AM
    NICE!!! I use to have a '71 2002. Granted it had rotted rockers, faded paint and a leaking rear main seal. But the thing started on the coldest day of the year. I loved that car. I'll try to dig up pics.

    That's the old BMW for you, tough as nails. I wish BMW, Volvo, and Mercedes still made cars like they used to but building cars that rugged and long lasting is terrible for the bottom line.

    I see more '70s BMWs than '80s models out there and it's probably around then that they got smart and built in obsolescence. That being said, I loved the look of the '80s BMWs and at the time, and I thought they were making a huge step up from the 2002. Little did we know.

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. ronaldo cristiano 2011.
  • ronaldo cristiano 2011.

  • toddybody
    Mar 24, 09:54 PM
    Yes, it's an issue. Mac Pros don't carry heavy duty PSUs.'re right that it's no 1200watt corsair. But it supports dual CPUs, crap ton of ram, and 5770x2 or 5870...surely it could support a 6970(from a tdp perspective)

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. ronaldo cristiano 2011.
  • ronaldo cristiano 2011.

  • jgould
    Feb 23, 11:38 AM

    Nice and clean. I love simple setups.

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. ronaldo cristiano ronaldo
  • ronaldo cristiano ronaldo

  • DreederOcUK
    Nov 15, 05:02 PM
    Im really looking forwards to this, if the 8-core 2.66 Macpro its going to cost just a little more than a quad 3ghz Macpro, im going to be buying as soon as it hits the website...

    As a recent Mac switcher, coming straight in with a base spec macpro(4x2.66/4gb/1750gbHDD), im now happy to invest in a more powerful machine.

    My only concern is the heat... my current Macpro runs 24/7 and 95% of the time is at full load across all 4 cores... and its still silent with temps never going over 52c... will these quad core chips run much hotter, meaning the front fans have to spin faster/noisier to keep the machine cool?

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. ronaldo cristiano wallpaper
  • ronaldo cristiano wallpaper

  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 12:25 PM
    I know this is off topic...

    yes it is, and you already entioned it another discussion. and there is aready a dedicated discussion about it. so why spam this thread?

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Cristiano Ronaldo

    Aug 29, 05:02 PM
    (Agreed. They need to get that bottom end of the price range covered so that there are options for everyone including students.)

    Yes indeed. As noted above, the mac mini is a great gateway drug. It allows people to get in and experiment cheaply. That is what happened in my case. If the entry point were near $1k, I might not have switched.

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. ronaldo-cristiano
  • ronaldo-cristiano

  • JRM PowerPod
    Aug 7, 04:58 AM
    I like the UK. B&O have their entire product range here, wheras they don't in Australia...

    Their store in Melbourne CBD is pretty comprehensive, i don't know what they are missing but im pretty sure they could get it for you if you wanted it

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. Mar cristianoronaldohair
  • Mar cristianoronaldohair

  • apb3
    Aug 18, 07:42 PM
    I wish they would make wireless ipods soon. But I just dont think that it's gonna happen.

    You can guess my feelings on this from the above discusssion but why do you want the wireless? I have seen one (maybe two) ideas that caught my eye; but not enough too change my opinion on the negative cost/benefit impact including wireless as envisioned by many here would have on my beloved device. I'm just curious as to your possible ideas or is it just cuz wireless is the latest buzzword - regardless whether it is actually useful, beneficial, effective, having a positive impact on the device in question?

    So, why do you "...wish that they would make wireless iPods soon,"? What would you like to see in particular, why and how would it work technically?

    I know I'm new here and I must seem a negative ass, but I just don't get why many of you would want this, let alone be frothing at the mouth. Do you not see the negatives (or, if not "negatives," at least the redundancy, bloat, PR Hype to get a few extra bucks out of you for something IMO not really worth it, etc? See my voluminous comments above). I really do love apple and it's all I really use when posible in my line of work (that must sound like the "I have black friends," line but it's true in this case). When I'm home, I won't even allow my wife's lab PC to sound the startup/shutdown chime. It's muted or it goes out the window...:D

    I've even made inroads with one of the most resistant to change institutions as noted above and an SOB CO who at first laughed at apple then nearly shite himself when I presented a REAL analysis of apple's price/security/abilities/etc benefits vs the crap PCs we're forced to use backed up by my real world work product that he had praised to no end, had officially commmended me for in the past and had no clue the praise was due to the fact that I was skirting the current sec reqs by using my own machines and apps (apple) to blow him and others away at briefings.

    Anyway, would you mind sharing why you want it so bad as I asked above?

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. ronaldo cristiano wasdec,
  • ronaldo cristiano wasdec,

  • takao
    Mar 2, 04:52 PM
    the fact that after the second generation Jetta, VW had to rename the car in germany/europe (Bora, Vento) and still had lousy sales there, should have been a warning sign

    the last few generations of the jetta have been absolute rubbish ... i hoping this new generation is actually better

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. cristiano ronaldo 2011 boots.
  • cristiano ronaldo 2011 boots.

  • Gurubarry
    Apr 13, 02:42 AM
    I second this.

    Me too, I gave up FCE when my new mini mac wouldn't run it , then imovie after I spent hours trying to work with SD card captured HD footage . So ,perhaps I may be able to return to mac editing without firing up my hacked imovie HD suite . I hope so , but another $300 each time the OSX is changed is not encouraging me at the moment .

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Cristiano Ronaldo

  • Angrisano
    Sep 6, 07:40 PM
    I'm a bit disappointed by this latest update as well. I'm still waiting for a headless Mac that will support my 19 inch dual monitors for under $2K. I recently built a nice Shuttle mini PC (not much bigger than the mini) with a P4 3ghz processor, 2gb ram, 250gb hard drive, 256mb graphics card and Litescribe DVD burner all for under $500.

    Now I don't expect to pay so little for so much when buying a Mac. In fact I'm willing to pay double for the same specs. The trouble is, right now in Apple's line up you simply can't do it. Where is our mid-range expandable tower? I don't need all the power of the quad Xeon and my pocketbook doesn't need to pay that price.

    I just want a decent middle of the road, expandable Mac for around $1K. I can build two really nice PCs for this price. Why can't I get one Mac?

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano
  • Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano

  • heffemonkeyman
    Sep 6, 08:41 PM
    I rather just buy a dvd for $10-20. I'm not downloading anything from the apple store for that price.

    What if it was HD?

    I think you're right. A lot of people will feel the same way.
    That's way they're not going to try and compete with retail DVDs and Netflix or PPV. Apple is going to create a new market with HD downloads before HDDVD/Blu-Ray movies are widely available...

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. Madrid#39;s Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Madrid#39;s Cristiano Ronaldo

  • DewGuy1999
    Feb 28, 02:39 PM
    here is my mess sorry i didnt clean up first

    Nice setup. What's the story behind the "double" windows, I've never seen anything like that before.

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. cristiano ronaldo wallpaper
  • cristiano ronaldo wallpaper

  • Dagless
    Mar 25, 07:37 PM
    It's funny that this machine costs an awful lot, can potentially do an awful lot, yet the games are still lacking.
    In other news I recently bought a �25 game for my 6 year old (I think, a launch model) DS Lite and I've pumped more hours into that one game than all 50 or so of my iOS games combined.

    I've driven to the restaurant but I'm still waiting for my meal.

    ronaldo cristiano 2011. Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Cristiano Ronaldo

  • MacSA
    Aug 24, 05:59 PM
    Finally some Mac Mini rumours :D ..... lets hope this turns out to be correct. I wonder what specs we'll see in the next update, Surley no more Core Solo? :eek:

    The article mentions Core 2 Duo, but I bet they stick with Core Duo. everything else will be the same.

    Jul 18, 09:16 AM
    I don't mind renting movies so long as its a model like netflix. Anything I really want to keep, I'm going to get on DVD and encode myself. but if its the latest releases maybe wtch once to see if I want to buy.

    Nov 28, 10:43 AM
    OK, this is out of hand... all of you who are complaining about Dell being half the price of the Apple LCDs read the topic that's been linked like 5 times, it's pretty interesting and informative.

    Now, all of you who are complaining about those people complain shut up and listen (or read) for a minute. They aren't complaining that Apple is charging to much for what they are offering, it's that they aren't offering any alternative for non-pro users. There are people who want, and would pay a bit more than Dell prices, for a similar piece of hardware with Apple's quality and design, but they aren't willing to pay 50%+ more for a professional grade piece of hardware.

    A 17" consumer line of displays would solve the problem without negatively effecting the pro line of hardware. If it sold well (and I'm betting it would, especially if it was the same panel as the 17" iMac with a USB2 hub, iSight, and built in speakers in an iPod styled casing for ~$249) a 19" with the same features but a higher res (although all the 19" widescreens I've seen have had the same res as 17" WS ... someone must make a 19" panel with res between 1440x900 and 1680x1050) for ~$349 or so it'd really fill out Apple product line to meet the needs of all consumers, "prosumers", and real pros.

    Mar 27, 11:36 PM
    It is amazing how limited in vision some people are...

    Seriously people stuck with this idea that the future of gaming is going to be non-portable systems with game controllers forever are going to be very disappointed in the future.

    Ultimately gesture based movements and other mechanisms will be used for gaming, not a freaking glorified joystick. It is silly to believe otherwise.

    Again people saying you couldn't play with a touchscreen device without looking at it have no imagination or understanding. Definately within two years you will be shown to be horribly wrong on this point.

    You keep believing the future of gaming is going to remain in the hands of traditional 8 year console development cycles... It is not going to happen.

    It would be like saying you can't play any real game on a console, you need a pc for it. I certainly can do much more in terms of controlling and playing a game on a computer than I can do with any console controller.

    Mar 24, 04:56 PM
    ill be happy if these cards support crysis 2

    Jan 19, 02:52 PM
    Some pics of my Impreza after a night of freezing rain:

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